Silk kimonos and silk eye masks are coming… SOON

Even though the period is not really good for business, I thought it was right to concentrate on new projects and keep the business going anyway.
But how? Now I will explain how we are moving in this period, made of anxieties, worries and anti-bacterial masks!
As soon as I returned from Italy, my head was full of projects: an event for the launch of the brand, a temporary store and so on ... all before Easter! But no. Coronavirus stopped these ideas for a while because of the fear that spread easily everywhere in the world and forced many people to stay indoors. Many people from Italy, for example, given the closure of the schools, took the opportunity to return home; therefore, those who remained for work reasons or, simply, to avoid facing the freezing European winter, are adapting to the situation.
Many work from home and, in my case, surrounded by the warmth of my hairy roommates, I feel better every day.
But let's get back to us! The first thing I wanted to share concerns the double colored mulberry silk pillowcase. I applied a DISCOUNT to meet all those who want to try to buy them!
As the second news of the month, however, I am pleased to inform you that we have silk kimonos. Yes, you read that right, they have finally arrived but they do not yet have the touch of class that will make you love them: embroidery. I thought it was easy to find a factory that would make embroideries on mulberry silk but, instead, it was a challenge. Therefore, you have to wait a few more weeks to finally see the finished product. I cannot wait!
In the meantime, the silk eye masks will arrive for your endless dreams. You can use them both at home and on the road, to enjoy the benefits of silk at all times!
For the wellness corner that cannot be missing, never forget to take care of your skin, especially at this time when the prolonged use of the masks could damage the skin of your face. Always keep your skin hydrated and often change the mask which is filled with bacteria, dust and pollution that are not good for the face. As for the hands, also in this case, use a lot of the moisturizer as, due of the disinfectant soaps that are more aggressive on the skin, your risk is having chapped and damaged hands. As a last tip, do sports, eat healthy and take vitamin C that helps your immune system! For any information or even to have a chat, you can write me at lablondegitane@gmail.com
Happy start of the week to everyone!